2009年12月29日 星期二
2009年12月23日 星期三
Application Guidance
MA Application Process
Timetable for Applications 2010/11
18 January 2010: closing date for receipt of applications
27 January 2010: closing date for receipt of portfolios
26 February 2010: invitations issued to candidates selected for interview
19 March 2010: interviews completed
31 March 2010: results letters sent
For 2010/11, all applications are to be submitted online via the RCA website, and there will be no paper application form.
Online Applications is now open. Please read this section, then follow the links to apply.
1. Check you are eligible
Please ensure that you fulfill the particular entrance requirements of the programme before applying – see Department Requirements for details.
2. Check you meet the English language requirements
•You will be expected to demonstrate that you have a reasonable knowledge of the English language.
•MA candidates who do not speak English as their first language will be required to provide evidence that they have achieved at least 220 in the TOEFL test with additional writing test TWE 4.0, TOEFL IBT 83 with 18 in writing, or an IELTS examination score of 6.0 with 6.0 in writing.
•If you apply to take a TOEFL test, the College’s code is 9079. If English is not your first language and you have not achieved the necessary level of English language prior to interview you will be given a 30-minute assessment by the College at the time of your interview.
•Although your English may improve dramatically once here – thinking, listening, speaking and reading English everyday – it is important that you are able to participate fully from the start of the course. Those students who develop these abilities late in the programme may be disadvantaged. If your English is not fluent you should consider delaying your application to the College until your language ability has been developed to a higher level.
3. Select a course
4. Complete and submit your application
Go to Online Applications to start your application. The application website will open in a new window, so that you can see this guidance while you are completing it. You will be able to save your work and retrieve it later, so you do not have to complete it all in one go. Once the form is submitted online you will be given an Application Reference Number as proof of receipt. This number should be quoted in all further correspondence and on any papers that you wish to submit separately.
You will need to provide the following:
•Personal and contact details:
Your name, address, country of origin etc.
•A statement outlining why you have chosen a particular course and what you propose to gain from your studies:
This is your chance to explain why you want to study at the RCA and why you have chosen the particular course that you want to join.
•Academic Referee contact details:
When you make an online application, a request for a reference will be automatically emailed to your referee. Please make sure that you provide your referee’s full contact details when you make your application.
•Previous education details and Previous Experience:
Details should be entered in the online form and a photocopy of degree or diploma (if you have graduated) should be emailed or posted to the Admissions Office. It must be clearly marked with your name, course and Application Reference Number.
All candidates with overseas undergraduate degrees must also enclose a full transcript of their first degree course covering each year of their studies and stating subjects taken and marks obtained. The offer of a place to a candidate who is undertaking a degree at the time of application will be dependent upon the candidate producing proof of having fulfilled the College’s criteria for admission. Transcripts may be sent separately to the Adminissions Office and must be clearly marked with your name, course and Application Reference Number.
•Payment of the Application Fee:
The Fee for 2010/11 is £50.
Payments must be made online and full instructions are given in the online application form. Please note that payment will be required before you can submit your application.
•Disability or Learning Difference:
The RCA welcomes you if you have a physical disability or learning difference. You are required to present a portfolio or other evidence of creative work on a level with other candidates, but the entry requirements may be varied. The Academic Board for Concessions and Discipline (ABCD) is empowered to make judgements about the extent to which qualifications or experience gained elsewhere may be accepted in partial fulfilment of its requirements for a given award.
You are advised to visit the College in advance of your application to ensure that the study environment will suit your needs or can be reasonably adapted to do so. The assessment of a disabled applicant’s needs is coordinated by the Student Support Officer, and you are encouraged to make contact to arrange a visit and discuss any concerns on telephone +44 (0)20 7590 4140 +44 (0)20 7590 4140 or via email.
Any queries about the application process should be addressed to:
Royal College of Art
Kensington Gore
London SW7 2EU
T: +44 (0)20 7590 4444 +44 (0)20 7590 4444
E: admissions@rca.ac.uk
5. Submit your portfolio
27 January 2010 is the closing date for receipt of portfolios. For details about the Entrance Examination and portfolio requirements see Cross-College Requirements.
Portfolio packing
•We receive hundreds of portfolios therefore it is vital everything is properly labelled.
•Please ensure you use the Item list or Image List form and fill out an identifying label for each item in your portfolio. These will be available to download once you have submitted your online application form.
•Please use the ‘Fragile: Handle With Care’ labels provided. These will also be available to download once you have submitted your application form online.
•Working drawings and photographs or finished work should be dated and have attached a brief written explanation.
•All work submitted should be correctly titled and clearly marked with your name.
•You must indicate clearly the exact role you played in the creation of the work submitted
•Each portfolio must be parcelled separately in a strong cover. The College will not accept crates containing the work of several candidates sent in bulk.
Shipping portfolios from overseas
•Overseas candidates must ensure that freight charges include payment of any delivery charges from the port of arrival in this country and meet the cost of the return of their work, including all handling charges incurred by the College’s agents. This is very important as the College will not pay customs charges on behalf of candidates.
•The external wrapping should be marked clearly: ‘For Entrance Examination only; to be returned to the country of origin within three months’. This should eliminate any customs-clearance charges.
•Paintings must not be sent.
Portfolio posting
For all courses, with the exception of Painting and Sculpture, portfolios should be sent to:
Royal College of Art
Kensington Gore
London SW7 2EU
Portfolios for Painting should be sent to:
Painting School
Royal College of Art
Sackler Building
14–22 Howie Street
London SW11 4AY
Portfolios for Sculpture should be sent to:
Royal College of Art
15–25 Howie Street
London SW11 4AS
6. Assessment
The first part of the Entrance Examination consists of a review of the application and, for the majority of courses, a portfolio of work. If you have not been successful at assessment stage, a letter notifying you of this decision will be sent out by 26 February 2010.
7. Interview
The second part of the Entrance Examination consists of an interview. Invitations to interview will be sent out on 26 February 2010. If you are selected you will be invited to a formal interview at the College with the appropriate admissions board and, for some courses, practical tests. All applicants for whom English is not their first language and who have not achieved the necessary level of English language prior to interview will be given a 30-minute test by the College at the time of their interview.
8. Results letter
The results letters will be sent on 31 March 2010 to those students who have attended an interview.
9. Post-entrance examination
•Portfolios will be returned to candidates as quickly as possible after the examination.
•To avoid the possibility of damage in transit, those candidates who can are advised to make personal arrangements for collection.
•The College cannot accept any responsibility for work lost or damaged.
Design Products
MA Entrance Requirements
•a good undergraduate degree or equivalent
•several years of professional experience, either before or after a first degree, is a benefit
•applications are welcomed from candidates from related backgrounds, such as art, engineering or philosophy
•proficient written and spoken English
•This should describe your abilities in design and presentation. It should include representative samples of drawings, model-making and any other work-up material at investigative or exploratory stages of the design process as well as presentation of finished pieces.
•Itt should also contain samples of any written work, technical studies or additional work carried out in conjunction with the design projects.
Interview (if invited)
•Any work carried out after the submission of the portfolio or any work in progress can be brought to the interview.
•You are expected to be able to talk confidently and objectively about your own work, and about your personal ambitions for future work at the College.